Monday, August 1, 2011

It's Ramadhan

Finally Ramadhan arrives; Month full of blessings and barakah in it. Im all excited about Ramadhan. Wishing you all Happy Ramadhan and may Allah bless us all. To most people, Ramadhan is known as the month of Ibadah. I am not really sure about that but to me every month is month of Ibadah. It's just, our good deeds will be multiplied during this month of barakah. I guess? InsyaAllah, I'll try to finish 30 Juzuk of Al-Quran (I'm halfway now!) in ramadhan and I promise to myself to stay far from any evil deeds. Pray the best to each of my friends out there. I love you guys all.
Happy Ramadhan
Khdr Kmrzmn